Spending/Saving/Investing/Giving - these are the typical ways to use the tool of financial resources. One could easily sum this up with the term "budgeting". The old adage, "money is a great servant but a bad master", speaks to the ability of money to be used for beneficial means or for tyrannical means---if one is in too much debt and experiencing the tyranny of that debt and it's obligations.
Budget vs. spending plan. Budgets are often viewed as constraining, boring and tedious. Few people draft a personal budget and are able to stick with it for very long. Life happens and the budget is busted...take the current coronavirus pandemic, for example. Without the federal government stepping up and providing relief there would be little that most Americans can do to stave off financial ruin.
The phrase spending plan has a more positive connotation than the word budget. People generally enjoy spending money that they have worked to attain.
There are a number of online resources that can provide tools and systems for tracking spending/saving/investing/giving.
Take a look at this annotated list from Nerdwallet that gives the pros/cons of 7 different apps for tracking personal finances.