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Recommended Databases For Initial Searching
SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service provides a gateway to the online Astronomy and Physics literature.
The ARIBIB is an on-line database for astronomical bibliography. Produced by the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI) at Heidelberg.
A bibliographic database providing abstracts and indexing to the world's scientific and technical papers in a variety of scientific subjects including astronomy, physics, engineering, and information technology.
Database for several interdisciplinary citation indexes including the Science Citation Index. Many full-text references available.
Scopus is one of the largest abstract and citation databases of research literature and quality web sources. Scopus covers 18,500 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers across the sciences, technology, and medicine.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses includes citations, some abstracts, and many full texts for dissertations and theses ranging from the first U.S. dissertation, accepted in 1861, to those accepted as recently as last semester. The full text of most U.S. dissertations and master’s thesis from 1995 forward is provided including those written at The University of Alabama.
NTIS (The National Technical Information Service) is the premier database for accessing unclassified reports from influential U.S. and international government agencies. The database contains access to millions of critical citations from government departments such as NASA, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Defense.
arXiv.org Open access e-prints in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics. Usually these are articles before peer-review.
Other Databases For Further Searching
NTRS provides access to approximately 500K aerospace related citations, 90K full-text online documents, and 111K images and videos.
Provides access to numerical and graphical data about properties of materials.
Elsevier published content including access to a large variety of scientific articles, eBooks, and reference sources.
Provides access to a number of science and engineering databases. A good number of full-text articles are available.
Springer published content including access to a large variety of scientific articles, eBooks, and reference sources.
Wiley published content including access to a large variety of scientific articles, eBooks, and reference sources.
NASA/IPAC Extragalatic Database
NASA/IPAC is a master list of extragalactic objects for which cross-identifications of names have been established, accurate positions and redshifts entered to the extent possible, and some basic data collected. Bibliographic references relevant to individual objects have been compiled, and abstracts of extragalactic interest are kept on line.
The SIMBAD astronomical database provides basic data, cross-identifications, bibliography and measurements for astronomical objects outside the solar system. SIMBAD can be queried by object name, coordinates and various criteria. Lists of objects and scripts can be submitted. Links to some other on-line services are also provided.