America's Historical Imprints
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America's Historical Imprints
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This collection of monographs, pamphlets, broadsides, government documents, and ephemera includes 16 cross-searchable components.

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Collections in this database include:

  • Afro-Americana Imprints, 1535-1922
  • African History and Culture, 1540-1921
  • Black Authors, 1556-1922
  • Caribbean History and Culture, 1535-1920
  • American Broadsides and Ephemera
  • American Pamphlets, Series 1, 1820-1922: From the New York Historical Society
  • The American Slavery Collection, 1820-1922: From the American Antiquarian Society (AAS)
  • The American Civil War Collection, 1860-1922: From AAS
  • Evans, 1639-1800
  • Evans: Supplement from the Library Company of Philadelphia (LCP)\
  • Evans: Supplement from AAS
  • Shaw-Shoemaker, 1801-1819
  • Shaw-Shoemaker: Supplement from LCP
  • Shaw-Shoemaker: Supplement 1 from AAS
  • Shaw-Shoemaker: Supplement 2 from AAS
  • Shaw-Shoemaker: Supplement 3 from AAS