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New York Times, NYT
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The New York Times is an American daily newspaper based in New York City. The New York Times covers domestic, national, and international news, and comprises opinion pieces, investigative reports, and reviews. As one of the longest-running newspapers in the United States, it serves as one of the country's newspapers of record.

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In order to redeem access at, you must create an account with your university email address.

I already have an account. Now what? 

If you created your account through the UA subscription, you’re ready to go! You can use your account to login to from anywhere on any device. 

If you simply registered on the public website, you will have to use the instructions below to create an account through the UA subscription for full access.

Okay, how do I create an account through the UA subscription?

Go to the Welcome page  and search for the listing for “University of Alabama”. Click “Create Account” and complete the registration fields to create the account.

NOTE: Faculty, staff, and students should use their school email address to register for access.

Once you have created your account, you can use it to access the site from any location using any device–desktop, laptop, smartphone, etc.!

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