This is a selected list of biology reference works. More can be found in the reference section on the second floor of Rodgers Library. Biology reference books have call numbers that begin with REF QH, QK, QL.
Encyclopedias and other reference works covering topics across all the sciences from Elsevier's ScienceDirect.
Books and eBooks Catalog Searching At The University of Alabama
Use Scout to search for print and e-books. Scout searches the UA Libraries catalog and some specialized databases. Very useful for quick searches.
Use Classic Catalog to search The University of Alabama Libraries' catalog. This is our traditional library catalog search engine and is most useful for specific and highly focused searches.
General Browsing for Print Books At The University of Alabama
Books are located on the second floor of Rodgers Library:
QH 1-705 | Natural history, biology |
QK 1-989 | Botany |
QL 1-991 | Zoology |
QM 1-695 | Human anatomy |
QP 1-981 | Physiology |
QR 1-502 | Microbiology |