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Religious Studies

Resources to support Religious Studies at the University of Alabama

Research on Scholarly Publishing

Browse articles in these journals to learn more about the scholarly publishing industry and the options for publication. 

Choosing a Journal

Use one of these databases to search for and compare journal outlets for your articles:

Investigate these questions when selecting a journal:

  • Is this a journal you have cited?
  • Have scholars you admire published there?
  • What is the review process?
  • Do the editors and editorial board members have strong reputations in your field?
  • What are the copyright and open access policies of the journal? Can you make your article publicly available on your own or your institution's website?
  • Are there publication fees?

Automated Journal Selection

Use one of these tools to match words from your title and abstract to topically appropriate journals:

Choosing a Book Publisher

  • Look at university presses. Check out the topic coverage outlined by the Association of University Presses.
  • Who published the academic books on your bookshelf?
  • Search the library catalog for keywords related to your topic. Who publishes books on these topics?