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Art of the American South


Books at Other Libraries

WorldCat is a shared international library catalog documenting the holdings of libraries across the United States, as well as many international institutions. If you would like to expand your search for resources beyond the items available locally at the University of Alabama, WorldCat is an excellent resource. Just like our local library catalog, WorldCat can be searched by keyword, author, title, subject heading, and more. Items may be requested through ILLiad, our InterLibrary Loan system.

InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

If an item is not available at the University of Alabama libraries, you may request it through ILLiad, our InterLibrary Loan system. Visit the libraries' ILLiad page and login with your myBama username and password to make a request.

Library of Congress Classification for Art

N Visual Arts
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Drawing. Design. Illustration
ND Painting
NE Print media
NK Decorative arts
NX Arts in general


Theses and Dissertations