Request a project consultation to discuss the creation of a Wordpress or Omeka S site, or to get help with a DH tool of your choice! The Alabama Digital Humanities Center team want to help you get working on your project.
The Alabama Digital Humanities provides local installation hosting for Wordpress and Omeka S. Projects eligible for hosting on our installation are ADHC Partner Projects. To talk about partnering with the ADHC, submit a request for a project consultation, and we'll be thrilled to talk with you!
Known best for their suite of open-source, adaptable, lightweight tools for media makers, Northwestern University Knight Lab is a community of designers, developers, students, and educators working on experiments designed to push journalism into new spaces. Their DH tools are easy to use and pose a low barrier for DH Scholars new to the practice.
Below you will find tools from a variety of other developers. All are free and open source. Some of them are more difficult to use than others. If you need help, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Alabama Digital Humanities Center-- we'd be happy to get you started!