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Resources to help you use Mendeley Reference Manager software.

Adding References

1. To add a reference to Mendeley, click "Add new" button on the left side of the screen, then choose which way you would like to add the reference.

1a. Adding File(s) from a computer would involve downloading a .pdf file of  the source which will populate the necessary fields to give you information.

1b. "Add entry manually" lets the individual add the citation information manually.

1c. "Import library" will give you the option to import a BibTex, Entnote XML, and RIS files which can usually be downloaded from a database or journal page.

1d. Not pictured, but you can also drag a .pdf file into the middle of the screen to add a citation as well.


2. This is an example of what a blank manual entry looks like.


3. This is the main screen in Mendeley. These are all citations I have made. If you click on a citation that you have made, the detailed box is below.


4. This is the detailed citation box that comes up on the right side of the screen after you select a citation to look at. It has some of the basic information from the citation.