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The Writing Center

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Finding and Using Databases

What are Databases, anyway?

A Database is, quite literally, a container for sources of information. Sometimes that information is an index or a directory that leads you to another location where an item is stored, but often the database contains the item itself. So for example, we have databases that hold newspaper articles (Proquest Newspapers, America's News,  and Nexis Uni are a few of our newspaper databases). We also have databases like Statista, which is a portal for statistics on a wide variety of topics. It is important to be able to indentify and search in specific databases that are relevant to your topic because Scout searches a lot of the library's content, but it doesn't have access to some databases.


You can access all of our databases using the Database link on the University Libraries homepage, or check out the examples of databases in this section.


The tabs below reference course prefixes (i.e. EN signifies "English").

The tabs below correlate to course reference prefixes. In other words, EN signifies "English".

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