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GBA 371 / 372 - India, International Business

This LibGuide serves the needs of GBA 371.



The following websites are just a sampling of mostly freely available websites that pertain to the topics of food and water globally; and specifically, to India.  There are countless resources on those broad topics but these that have been posted here should provide a good foundation for data gathering and research on studying these topics.

Solar water producer


This technological innovation (link below), that produces drinkable water from the air, was featured on the TV show Innovation Nation.

Solar powered water producer.


Databases and websites for food production

International Association for Food Protection - membership group that works and advocates for food safety.

ISEKI Food Association - Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge into the Food Chain

List of Food Industry Trade Associations 

Our World in Data

United Nations


World Bank

World Food and Agriculture - Statistical Yearbook 2020

World Headed in Wrong Direction on Hunger

The Global Food System: analysing the trends, impacts and solutions - March 2017 report


India specific


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - India profile - India FoodBanking Network

World Food Programme - United Nations World Food Programme



India - water resources by area - Statista

India Water Resources Information System

Helping India Manage its Complex Water Resources

India is running out of water - Reuters Graphics 

2030 Water Resources Group - hosted by World Bank Group