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Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Programming with GIS
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Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Geographic Information Systems are one of the most powerful visualization tools. This guide covers access to these software, how to learn about GIS, and geospatial data sources.
GIS Software
Learning Resources
Geospatial Datasets
Programming with GIS
Example GIS Projects
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UA ArcGIS Online
Log into ArcGIS Online with your MyBama credentials
What is ArcPy?
ArcPy is the Esri Python module used for scripting geoprocessing, automating workflows, and data management
GeoPanda makes working with geospatial data in Python easier by using the datatypes introduced in pandas and allows geospatial analysis.
Allows for handling of both vector and raster geospatial data formats.
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Python for ArcGIS
Laura Tateosian
ISBN: 9783319183985
Publication Date: 2016-01-16
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R-ArcGIS Bridge
Available with ArcGIS Pro the R-Bridge allows ArcGIS into R and vice versa. Also works with Jupyter Notebooks.
"Getting Started with R and Arc-GIS" Learning Path
Several online lessons through Esri Learning that show you the possibilities of advanced spatial analysis when combining R and ArcGIS.
Geospatial Datasets
Example GIS Projects >>