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Explore library resources related to Psychology

How to Find Systematic Literature Reviews in Scout

Systematic literature reviews provide essential overviews, analysis, and comparison of related research. This video demonstrates how to filter and limit search results to find these types of articles using Scout, the Libraries' discovery & search tool at the University of Alabama.

Find the DSM-5 in Scout

Brief demonstration of how to locate and use the DSM-5 via the University of Alabama Libraries' discovery platform, Scout.

Conducting Citation Analysis in Scopus

This video demonstrates how to conduct citation analyses of authors and scholarly works in Scopus, to measure the impact of research and to discover patterns in academic literature.

Finding Articles with Google Scholar

This video covers basic keyword searches, refining searches, and advanced searching techniques and tips.

How to Renew a Book Online

This video will show you how to use the University Libraries website to renew items that you have checked out.

Accessing Library Resources Off-Campus at The University of Alabama

The University of Alabama Libraries provides on- or off-campus access to our electronic subscriptions and collections to students, faculty, and other members of the University community. This quick video covers how and where to log in for access to the search tools and databases available through the Libraries website,