UpToDate contains comprehensive evidence-based topics to quickly and easily provide specific, practical recommendations for diagnosis and treatment across a range of specialties.
Special login Instructions: Registration is required to use UpToDate. If you are a first-time user, you must register for an account using the link above. First, you will be prompted to login with your MyBama credentials. Next, you should see the UpToDate login screen. From here, click "Register Now" to create an account. Please note: When registering for an account, it is recommended that you use your University email account.
If you are a returning user, you may use your UpToDate login to access the resource from anywhere at https://www.uptodate.com/login.
Access to a vast library of 3D models, animations, diagnostic images, and learning modules. Contents in the Visible Body Web Suite includes introductory biology content, 100+ lessons about each body system and a 3D interactive anatomy atlas.
Special login Instructions: If you are a first-time user, you must create a Visible Body account while you are on campus or within the UA network. Note: In your contact information, your name (First Name; Last Name) should be the same as those in your University registration. Your email should be your Crimson or Bama email account. If you are already a registered user of Visible Body, click here to login.
Please note that in order to maintain access to your Visible Body account, users must log in while on the University of Alabama network at least every 150 days.