Looking for a book on the shelves? Search through Scout or directly through the libraries' catalog to browse print holdings.
Each record of a book will have a call number that corresponds to the book's location in Gorgas, McLure, Rodgers, Bruno, Hoole, or the Archival Facility.
This video demonstrates how to find a book using Scout and the Libraries' Catalog, how to physically locate the book in the library, and how to check it out.
Contains all the records cataloged by OCLC member libraries. Offers millions of bibliographic records. Includes records representing 400 languages.
This video demonstrates how to use our Interlibrary Loan service when you need a book that is not in our collection, or an article from a journal we don't subscribe to.
The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) is a consortium of colleges, universities, and libraries that offers rare scholarly resources, including foreign government documents, doctoral dissertations, textbooks, and scientific research materials, as well as six area studies microfilming projects.
Most of the books pertaining to French literature are located within the PQ1-3999 call number ranges.
PQ1-3999: French literature
Some books on the French language can be found in the Linguistics call numbers, PC 2001–3761.
The library provides access to thousands of electronic books in every discipline and subject area. There are multiple ways to view and e-book. You can access e-books via PDF or e-pub format in your web browser. Or you can check them out by downloading them to your computer or mobile device for offline access.
You can also view e-books through various content providers below.
HathiTrust is a partnership of research institutions committed to digital preservation of the cultural record. The Digital Library provides access to public domain and some in-copyright content from a variety of sources, including Google, the Internet Archive, Microsoft, and in-house partner institution initiatives. Materials are available to the extent permitted by copyright law.
HathiTrust catalog records are included in Scout, but not in the Libraries’ Catalog.
Early European Books is a collection of European materials from 1455-1700, including modern sciences, travel, Renaissance, Incunabula, church fathers, Reformation, Counter-Reformation, literature, and philosophy, sourced from major European libraries.
A collection of scholarly ebooks from leading publishers in various subject areas.
A collection of scholarly ebooks from leading publishers in various subject areas.
Need a refresher on how to access and download e-books on your device? Watch the following tutorial on how to "check out" e-books using Adobe Digital Editions.