These databases are all good starting points for finding books and scholarly materials on gender and sexuality. For searching help, see the strategies for searching page or use the links in the box to the left to contact your librarian.
The University of Alabama's discovery service, searching content from hundreds of electronic databases, print resources from our library catalog, ebooks, videos, news and more.
GenderWatch is a comprehensive resource for gender and women's studies. It offers full articles on topics like sexuality, religion, societal roles, feminism, masculinity, eating disorders, healthcare, and the workplace.
Provides abstracts and citations to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender literature published worldwide. Citations represent periodical articles, books, newspapers, newsletters, case studies, speeches, and other formats. Also includes full text for GLBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers, as well as numerous full text books.
Images of the full text of many scholarly titles in a range of subject areas, including literature, biological sciences, economics, finance, and statistics. Search the archive or pull up a specific article. Artstor is now available on the JSTOR platform.
Project MUSE provides full-text access scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences. The database is a collaboration between Johns Hopkins University and other university presses and not-for-profit publishers. Also included are the UPCC collections in Asian and Pacific Studies, and Poetry, Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction.
Reference works like encyclopedias, handbooks, and bibliographies can be great starting points when you're new to a subject area, or looking for a topic. Below are some recent reference works that are available online through UA Libraries. To find more specific reference works, explore the digital collections linked below, or try searching in Scout with the terms "encyclopedia," "handbook," "guide," or "companion" along with your key words.