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Creating Data Management & Sharing Plans (DMSPs)

This guide is designed to get you started on writing Data Management (& Sharing) Plans for grant proposals.

Compliance Reporting

Some funders require documented compliance with your DMP. Ultimately, the responsibility for compliance is up to the PI and isn't necessarily monitored or tracked by the University. 

When documenting compliance, consider the following:

  • Is your DMP up-to-date?
  • What changes need to be made to your DMP?
  • What data have you publicly shared?
  • What data hasn't been shared yet? 


Sample Language for DMP

Element 6: Oversight of Data Management and Sharing:

The Principal Investigator, [Dr. X], will provide oversight during the project to ensure DMP compliance. Compliance will be evaluated and documented [Annually] during the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) and submitted to the [Grant] Program Officer. At the conclusion of the project, a final evaluation will be completed summarizing the completion of the DMP objectives including links to the shared datasets.